
15 reviews for FLAVAMEN FRESHMAN YEAR V1 (Issues 1 & 2) (2007)

  1. maurice, richmond, VA

    love your the pix

  2. kofi, sunyani, brong ahafo

    i am looking for top sincere who is capable and here,s my email


    I want to see big dicks

  4. joan

    muito bom

  5. brian, ?, IL

    hot hot hot

  6. slim

    u need to get n’tice in a movie

  7. philip

    I need a Perverted Black Gayman to

  8. Creekboi222


  9. nnmn


  10. henry

    i love being a gay coz it makes me good,i love it

  11. Gabby

    i love being a gay coz it makes me good,i love it

  12. Brother Tracy Gibson

    WOW!! I can’t wait till I get some money and can support your efforts…..

  13. klly micheal

  14. gianni

    damn yall sexy.

  15. Aaron

    How i wished i was the one in thoz sexy pics,lovely to be gay

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